Competitive grants are awarded to non-profit organizations and community groups that support the arts, culture, heritage, the environment, recreation, education, health, humanitarian needs and other civic initiatives. Application deadlines are February 1st and August 1st of each year.

  Applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee that is made up of board members and community representatives. The committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors that have final authority over all grants awarded.

Click here for a full description of Grant Opportunities through the Community Foundation. 


Interests include a range of initiatives such as health, social services, the arts, environment, education or a geographical area. These funds are awarded to eligible organizations in the community, either through the standard Competitive Community Grants process, or by the Board of Directors identifying organizations capable of making the greatest impact in the specific area.

Click here for a full description of Grant Opportunities through the Community Foundation. 

Scholarship Funds

In Assets

Scholarships Awarded

Dollars Awarded


The Community Foundation’s Scholarship Program opens doors of opportunity for individuals of all ages. The Community Foundation links donors with financial resources to individuals with potential for future achievement.

A scholarship is more than a financial award- it is the key that unlocks the future for our youth by building their confidence. They are often created in honor or in memory of a loved one and exemplify the goals and values of that person.  Many recipients write that they deeply appreciate the faith this shows in their abilities.

Click here for a full list of academic scholarships available at the Community Foundation.


The Community Foundation of Dunn County also offers specialized scholarships for a specific program, camp or training.  Click here for a full list of special interest scholarships available at the Community Foundation.