Maximize your clients' charitable giving.
Charitable giving is highly personal, reflecting the unique values, interests, and capacity of each donor. When working with the Community Foundation, you build trust with your clients by delivering individualized giving plans to meet their unique charitable goals while maximizing their tax advantages.
With a wealth of knowledge of local nonprofits and programs and more than 90 years of experience with strategic charitable giving, The Community Foundation is your partner in philanthropy.
Our Professional Advisor events are created to engage financial planners, brokers, attorneys, accountants, life insurance agents, and other professionals in the business of helping clients fulfill short and long-term charitable giving.
These events provide opportunities to learn more about the Community Foundation of Dunn County and build an effective partnership to help your clients’ needs.
Want happy clients? Talk about charitable giving
Over the years, more than a handful of attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors have shared with the Community Foundation of Dunn County that their happiest clients seem to be those who’ve incorporated charitable giving into their estate and financial plans. Whether or...
Playing the long game: Encouraging your clients to plan ahead in 2025
Your clients (and you!) may still be recovering from a hectic end to 2024, but don’t let that stop you from helping families get a jump on their charitable planning for 2025. As compelling as year-end giving may be, perhaps even more compelling are the reasons for...
Sifting through it: What’s on the legislative menu that could impact charitable giving?
We all know that the new year and a new administration brings lots of potential change. So what is going on that you need to know about to serve your charitable clients? At the top of the list of issues we’re watching is what might happen with the Tax Cuts and Jobs...
PDF documents to share with your clients
Donor Advised Fund
A personal approach to giving.
Establishing a Donor Advised Fund allows you to make a gift to your community foundation, then remain actively involved in suggesting uses for your gift. You can work with the community foundation’s professional program staff to suggest ongoing uses for the fund targeting the issues you care about most. Grant awards are issued to charities in the name of the fund (or anonymously if you prefer). It’s a simple, powerful, and highly personal approach to giving.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Unrestricted Fund
Meeting ever-changing community needs.
When you establish an Unrestricted Fund, your gift can address a broad range of local needs including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time your gift is made. We evaluate all aspects of community well-being: arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, neighborhood revitalization, and more. The flexibility of your unrestricted gift enables your community foundation’s program experts to respond to the community’s most pressing needs, today and tomorrow.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Field of Interest Fund (FOI)
Connecting personal values to high-impact opportunities.
By establishing a Field of Interest Fund, you can target your gift to address needs in an important area of community life. Arts. AIDS. Aging. At-risk youth. You identify your personal interest area when making your gift; our board awards grants to community organizations and programs that are making a difference in the area you select. Your gift stays flexible enough to meet community needs in your interest area even as they change over time.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Scholarship Fund
Investing in deserving students.
In creating a scholarship, you invest in your community’s future and show students that you care. Your community foundation provides the expertise to help you meet your personal goals and awards scholarships to deserving students. Your gift can help students from preschool to postgraduate achieve their lifetime dreams.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Designated Fund (DF)
Helping local organizations sustain and grow.
Establishing a Designated Fund allows you to support the good work of a specific nonprofit organization, senior center, museum, or virtually any nonprofit charitable organization. Because it’s given through your community foundation, your gift provides the organization you select not only funding, but planned giving and investment management services and the power of endowment.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Supporting Organization
High impact, high involvement, low hassle.
A Supporting Organization is an excellent alternative to a private foundation with only a fraction of the administrative responsibilities. You select some of the board members, maintain personal involvement, and support the causes you care about most while enjoying the favorable tax treatment of a public charity. Leave investment management, startup costs, grant administration, and reporting to us!
Agency Fund
Endowing your nonprofit organization.
Nonprofit organizations can also establish a Designated Fund or agency endowment at the community foundation. It’s a simple and efficient way to build an endowment and help create sustainability for your nonprofit organization. The community foundation’s experienced staff can also help your organization develop planned giving programs and assist with investment management and administrative details.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
Turn your charitable assets into charitable good
Outright Gift
The simplest way to make a big difference.
You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets to your community foundation. Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law.
Gift of Real Estate
A charitable gift unearthed.
Making a charitable gift of real estate through your community foundation can help you turn your property gains into community good. The value of your real estate may exceed that of any other asset you own. With the help of your community foundation, you can use it to fulfill your charitable interests and receive financial and tax benefits.
Gift of Life Insurance
Charitable Beneficiary Designation
Gift of Appreciated Stock
Turning stock market gains into community investment.
Everybody wins when you make a gift of appreciated stock to your community foundation. Your gains are put to good use. Your gift of stock is reinvested in your community, and it qualifies for an immediate tax deduction based on the full market value.
IRA Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are over the age of 70 1/2, you can transfer up to $100,000 directly from your individual retirement account (IRA) to us tax-free. If you are 72 or older, this gift will count toward your required annual minimum distribution. Many people have found this to be an easy, tax-smart way to support the community they love.
Click on photo to view/download PDF.
A variety of giving methods tailored to your unique situation, including how to leave a legacy.
Bequest By Will
A legacy of giving.
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to your community. When you make this gift through your community foundation, we establish a special fund that benefits the community forever and becomes your personal legacy of giving.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Income for today, a gift for tomorrow.
Giving through a charitable gift annuity allows you to arrange a generous gift to your community while providing yourself a new income source you can count on for the rest of your life.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Giving through a charitable remainder trust allows you to receive income for the rest of your life, knowing that whatever remains will benefit your community.
Charitable Lead Trust
Giving back to your community and your loved ones.
A charitable lead trust helps you build a charitable fund with your community foundation during the trust’s term. When the trust terminates, the remaining assets are transferred to you or your heir(s), often with significant transfer-tax savings.