Grant opportunities

The Community Foundation’s core mission is serving the common good of the Dunn County region. We are grateful for the visionary donors who entrust the Foundation to deploy monies to address the local needs through discretionary funding and/or through specialized funds designated for a specific charitable purpose.

The following opportunities are available to organizations in the community to apply for grant funding:

Community Impact Grants

Application Deadlines are February 1st and August 1st Annually.

This is our standard grant process for non-profits and charitable groups to receive grant funding.  The Community Foundation awards grants to non-profit organizations and community groups that support the arts, culture, heritage, the environment, recreation, education, health, humanitarian needs and other civic initiatives through two competitive granting cycles each year, with deadlines on February 1 and August 1.  Typical award amounts range from $500 to $5,000 or more.

Click here to explore current and past grant recipients!

The Women’s Giving Circle Grants Fund

Application Deadline is in JUNE 1 Annually.

The other competitive grant opportunity available is through the Women’s Giving Circle Grant Fund.  The Women’s Giving Circle (WGC) of Dunn County has been established to strengthen the spirit of women through collaborative philanthropy.  The WGC awards grants funds to non-profit organizations that support the needs of women and families in Dunn County through one competitive grant cycle offered each June.   Typical award amounts range from $500 to $2,500 or more.  Please note this cycle has its own grant application and requirements.  Applicants must be a certified 501c3 as recognized by the IRS.  Click here to learn more.

Field of Interest Funds

Field of Interest Funds have been established by individual donors to help support charitable causes they care about most, in perpetuity. Interests include a range of initiatives such as health, social services, the arts, environment, education or a geographical area. These funds are awarded to eligible organizations in the community, either through the standard Competitive Community Grants process, or by the Board of Directors identifying organizations capable of making the greatest impact in the specific area.

If you find your organization to be eligible for Field of Interest funding, we encourage you to submit a formal Letter of Inquiry, which should include a brief description of your organization and its mission, a statement of need describing why you are seeking grant funding, who the target population will be, geographical area served, etc., as well as the basic goals and objectives of the project.  You may also use our electronic Grant Inquiry Form at the link below.  Please contact the Foundation at 715-232-8019 for more information or with any questions. The following Field of Interest Funds are actively making grants each year:

Our Active Field of Interest Funds
BYRON AND CATHERINE OLSON MEMORIAL FUND - Supporting those in need of health-related goods or services

Byron and Catherine Olson, of Menomonie, desired that a portion of their estate be used to establish a fund to benefit individuals in Dunn County in need of supplemental medical care or services. This fund makes grants to individuals and children in emergency need for health-related items or services such as eyeglasses, dental care, prescriptions, medical care, food/gas, and more.  Click here to learn more.

DIABETIC CARE FUND IN MEMORY OF CAMMIE B. JOHNSON - Providing diabetic medical supplies to those in immediate need

This fund was established by the family of Cammie B. Johnson, a young woman who passed away just before her 21st birthday due to complications of diabetes.  This fund helps to pay for the pharmaceutical and medical supply expenses of people with Type I or Type II Diabetes who are low income  and/ or experiencing difficulty accessing supplies because they are uninsured or are unable to afford their current out-of-pocket expenses, including copays and deductibles.

KARI BOSTROM MEMORIAL FUND - Proving Teacher Mini Grants to support school projects in areas close to Kari's heart

Jake and Shirley Bostrom established the Kari Jo Bostrom Memorial Fund in loving memory of their daughter to support programs specific to causes that were close to Kari’s heart.  The Kari Jo Bostrom Memorial Fund helps to provide teacher mini grants for the School District of the Menomonie Area, as part of the Excellence in Education Teacher Mini Grant Program managed by the Community Foundation of Dunn County.  Competitive grants ranging from $250 to $1,000 are available to school staff each year through an application process, to support school projects that promote learning and improve the academic achievement of students.  This particular fund supports requests for projects that enhance children’s experiences related to historical experiences or research, field trips to area museums or veterans’ memorials, or projects that immerse students into various cultures or the arts.  Click here to learn more.

MARSHALL W. HAGEN MEMORIAL FUND - Supporting programs that serve those living with cancer.

Through the generosity of Marshall W. Hagen, a lifelong resident of Dunn County, the Community Foundation issues funding to area organizations whose work and mission helps improve the lives of  community members living with cancer.   Grants range from $500 to $3,500, and applicants should follow the Community Foundation Community Impact Grant application process and deadlines to apply, or contact the Foundation directly.  Click here to learn more.

TEACHER MINI-GRANTS - Supporting new and innovative education opportunities for Area Schools

The Community Foundation of Dunn County manages several a teacher mini grant program for area schools to provide educational grant funding that enhances the learning of students. Monetary grants are awarded to teachers, public education support professionals, and/ or staff through a competitive grant cycle for projects that engage and motivate students to be active participants in their learning and improve the academic achievement of students.  The deadline is November 1 each year.  Click here for more information.

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Join Us for a Nonprofit Impact Tour (Rescheduled to April 2nd)

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