A group of businesses and individuals striving to keep Hospice alive in our community to support life and death with dignity.
Hands for Hospice Golf Outing 2024
We are pleased to announce our 7th Annual Hands for Hospice Golf Outing on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Through your generosity, we can continue meeting our mission of keeping Hospice alive in our community to
support life and death with dignity.
Please consider joining us on Wednesday, July 17, 2024!
The Details
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Whitetail Golf Course (E8414 760th Ave, Colfax, WI)
10 am Registration
11 am Shotgun Start
4 pm Social
5 pm Steak Dinner
Lunch is available at the clubhouse on your own
Over 100 golfers are anticipated to enjoy a day of golf, great camaraderie, and delicious food while raising money for a great cause. This year’s event will support Hospice patients in Dunn County and Adoray’s Complementary Hospice Therapies such as End of Life Doulas, Massage Therapy, Dream Big, Compassionate Touch, We Honor Veterans, and Grief Support. The Hands for Hospice Fund is a component fund of the Community Foundation of Dunn County. The Community Foundation is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) and the full amount of your gift may be tax deductible, to the extent permitted by law.
Click Here to View/Download the 2024 Hands for Hospice Brochure!
What is Hospice?
Hospice offers comfort and care to you and those you love by providing treatment and support in the final stages of life. If you or a family member are faced with a condition that medical treatment can’t cure, hospice can help you navigate the challenges that come with a serious illness. With hospice, you’ll have access to a team of integrated healthcare professionals and volunteers who allow you to experience compassion and dignity at the end of life. This service offers physical, emotional, and spiritual care in the familiar setting of your home, whether it is a private residence, group home, assisted living, or skilled nursing home.
Hands for Hospice Committee
Brad Waznik, Shellee Pechmiller, Amy Hellman, Al Rose, Clark Yolitz, and Jeff Hastings