GFWC Flower Basket Fund
A program partnered with Downtown Menomonie, Inc. to beautify the downtown area with hanging flower baskets each spring. Download Donation FormThe GFWC Menomonie Woman’s Club has a rich 100+ year tradition of making Menomonie a better place to live and work. In 2019, this special project partnered with Downtown Menomonie, Inc to provide one of the most visible – and largest – annual projects the club undertakes: the beautification of downtown Menomonie with hanging flower baskets. The hanging flower baskets not only add character to the downtown area but have come to symbolize the caring nature of the community. The Woman’s Club needs YOUR help to cover the costs of the baskets as well as their maintenance throughout the summer months.
A fund has been established at the Community Foundation of Dunn County, Inc. (CFDC) to accept tax deductible donations for the flower basket project. The GFWC Menomonie Woman’s Club Hanging Basket Fund is a component fund of the Foundation. The Community Foundation of Dunn County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Wisconsin non-profit corporation and all contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Any funds not used for the purchase or maintenance of the flower baskets may be used for other philanthropic projects of the Woman’s Club upon approval of the CFDC’s Board of Directors.
Please consider being a part of a project that everyone, including visitors to our community, can enjoy all summer long! While donations of any amount will be gladly accepted, please consider adopting a flower basket – or two – at a cost of $65 per basket.
Thank you in advance for your support of this project!
With Much Appreciation,
The GFWC-Menomonie Woman’s Club