Doug Larson joins other donors at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Menomonie High School Sports Complex, one of the many causes he supports through his Donor Advised Fund at the Foundation.

Charitable giving, both now and in the future, is important to Ann and Doug Larson, founding members of the Community Foundation.

We are founding members of the Community Foundation and have found it to be an efficient, flexible way to give back.

Our primary philosophy is that while alive, we should spend a percentage of our income to help others. Upon death, we want a large portion of our estate to go to charitable organizations instead of estate taxes

We explored setting up our own private family foundation, but decided that the cost, complexities, and recording requirements all exceeded setting up a donor-advised fund (DAF) to get the same result.

We love that we can name successor advisor(s) to serve in our place after our death and fully acquaint them with our charitable intentions.

At the Community Foundation, we can join with others to fund a project or we can individually fund a project we think has merit.

We can donate timely, appreciated assets such as stock or real estate. We receive  a  tax  advantage  (full charitable contribution with no capital gains), and by putting the donation into a DAF, we can delay the recommended use of the funds to a more convenient date.